nerds making coffee better


Nerds. Coffee.


During the Covid-19 pandemic, a group of nerds that talk about coffee started to take their coffee game much more seriously. Locked out of beloved coffee shops and separated from their favourite baristas, they were forced to learn speciality coffee arts in isolation. They scoured the globe for the best coffee beans and steamed milk with only youtube videos as a guide, all in comfy PJs. Now they seek to share their knowledge with the planet, hoping that as we collectively emerge from isolation we all can enjoy the better coffee we deserve.


Get in touch

If you want to have a chat with any of the nerds, feel free to drop them a line! The contact form is an easy way to do it, or find them on social media!

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chief nerd

Chris Saunders

In a career that affords a good amount of travel, Chris was always interested in finding the best coffee in whatever city he found himself. It wasn’t until the pandemic he found himself isolated with his family and unable to enjoy a well made cafe latte in a local coffee shop. With the acquisition of a espresso machine, Chris began the journey into a new world of homemade coffee, seeking to perfect espresso shots and specialty coffee drinks.